I'm here!!! After the longest day of my life...I still have 4 1/2 hours until I can check into my hostel. :( First order of business: a shower....flying makes you feel so yucky and I flew for 11 hours today. Here are a few thing that I have learned about London in the short time I have been here:
-UK Border Control is scary, "Why are you in London?" "Where do you work?" "Why didn't you write down an address of where you are staying in London".....ahhhhhh
-Londoners appear to be very into perfume, I sneezed about 15 times on the Tube.
-American men dress like crap, seriously, take some fashion tips from British men.
-The Tube is very serious business, commuters will run you over so get out of the way!
-German tourists like smoking, there was about 90 outside the hostel smoking when I dropped off my bag
-A very special phone booth near Stamford Brook has been used as a toilet at least once....it smelled delicious
and lastly, this Internet cafe is confusing, everyone seems to be paying to use the computers but I was just waved towards one...Wha?
Love your thoughts!! Miss you already! Are you journaling and taking pictures?
Uhhh...the above was from Colleen, not Ryan. FYI.
Mom is sending you a phone. You need to tell the 'front desk' that it will arrive sometime tomorrow.
HI CYNTHIA, You arrived! Thank goodness. I am so proud of you and taking this wonderful adventure. How was your flight and how is your hostel? Have fun! I sent your phone to you at Globetrotters. It should arrive garanteed on April 2 at the hostel address. Check with the main office. I miss you and know you are on a fabulous learning trip. Remember, God is always with you. Love you,
I can't wait to read more about your adventure!
hey BOZO
I'm printing out your blog and will read it tonight...is a Highlands "Breakfast" contain less calories than a "sausage egg McMuffin ??
love you
nice to hear your voice this morning...hope you have a good weekend ..may have to explain "Easter" to those Europeans...the people in Rome may have a clue though..in particular the guy from the vatican that dresses like "Eddie Ezard"
love daddy
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