Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Good Morning London!!

I'm here!!! After the longest day of my life...I still have 4 1/2 hours until I can check into my hostel. :( First order of business: a shower....flying makes you feel so yucky and I flew for 11 hours today. Here are a few thing that I have learned about London in the short time I have been here:
-UK Border Control is scary, "Why are you in London?" "Where do you work?" "Why didn't you write down an address of where you are staying in London".....ahhhhhh
-Londoners appear to be very into perfume, I sneezed about 15 times on the Tube.
-American men dress like crap, seriously, take some fashion tips from British men.
-The Tube is very serious business, commuters will run you over so get out of the way!
-German tourists like smoking, there was about 90 outside the hostel smoking when I dropped off my bag
-A very special phone booth near Stamford Brook has been used as a toilet at least smelled delicious
and lastly, this Internet cafe is confusing, everyone seems to be paying to use the computers but I was just waved towards one...Wha?


Unknown said...

Love your thoughts!! Miss you already! Are you journaling and taking pictures?

Anonymous said...

Uhhh...the above was from Colleen, not Ryan. FYI.

Anonymous said...

Mom is sending you a phone. You need to tell the 'front desk' that it will arrive sometime tomorrow.

Mom said...

HI CYNTHIA, You arrived! Thank goodness. I am so proud of you and taking this wonderful adventure. How was your flight and how is your hostel? Have fun! I sent your phone to you at Globetrotters. It should arrive garanteed on April 2 at the hostel address. Check with the main office. I miss you and know you are on a fabulous learning trip. Remember, God is always with you. Love you,

Heather said...

I can't wait to read more about your adventure!

Anonymous said...

hey BOZO

I'm printing out your blog and will read it a Highlands "Breakfast" contain less calories than a "sausage egg McMuffin ??

love you


Anonymous said...

nice to hear your voice this morning...hope you have a good weekend ..may have to explain "Easter" to those Europeans...the people in Rome may have a clue particular the guy from the vatican that dresses like "Eddie Ezard"

love daddy