Saturday, April 4, 2009

More from the longest day of my life!!!

I finally feel like I have adjusted to the time and now have the energy to blog!! OK...from the Abbey I walked over to St. James Park. I kept hearing what sounded like a band playing and assumed that there was a concert going on in the park...or maybe hippies with bongos. When I went to investigate the noise I discovered that I was actually right across the street from Buckingham Palace and that the noise I kept hearing was the Queen's band....the Changing of the Guard. I was lucky to see the band and guards walking down the street because the closer you get to the palace, the more people that are lined up waiting for a look. I made it through the crowd with enough time to see/hear the band play "Over the Rainbow" and some song that I swear is in the movie "The Rock".....
After that I "popped on" the tube and tried to find Chinatown but only ended up finding what I assume is London's version of Little Italy. After walking for awhile I found a cute like cafe across the street from The National Gallery where I had yummy fish and chips...I took a picture. I went into the National Gallery after eating (it's free!!) and walked around for about an hour. The Gallery houses over 2000 paintings, including ones by Rembrandt, Van Gogh (Sunflowers!!), and Monet. I took the subway from Trafalgar Square (The National Gallery) to my favorite place in London, Regent's Park. It was like a park that you would see only in a movie, full of young yuppies with their 2 young children, attractive men playing frisbee with their medium sized dogs, and the most beautiful displays of flowers. There were flowers lining the pathways, in giant urns, and trees with fresh blossoms. It was gorgeous!!! At this point I had already walked a million miles and decided to "have a sit down" in the grass along with like 20 other people in the middle of a huge lawn. It was a much needed rest for my feet and the sun made it so warm and bright, it was perfect.
That was the great part of my day...the rest was not awesome. I really wanted to get a photo of The London Eye and The Parliament Building at night, the problem was that I had no idea what time the sun set so I spent probably three hours waiting around. I got fed up and decided to grab a bite to eat in a really cute but strange "Godfather" themed cafe near The Eye. I was the only one there which only made sense after I ate the food. So finally the sun starts to set, I get a picture of the eye in the dwindling light and head towards the bridge. I then took about 50 pictures of The Parliament building, trying to insure that I end up with at least one, non-blurry shot that vaguely resembles the scene from Harry Potter. Pretty much limping at this point I headed back to the tube and onto the hostel...then I collapsed into bed and slept for like 10 hours. Hopefully, I will post some pictures later tonight!!


Colleen Oakes said...

So weird that it's night where you are! I'm so jealous of your fun park day and yummy fish and chips. Did you get your facebook link that I sent you to the best cheap eats in London?? I LOVE Van Gogh Sunflowers. Love you too!

Anonymous said...

thinking..when you get back, how about a quicky trip to Boston to locate some Geneaology stuff...EXCITING HUH

hope maybe to send Colleen and Ryan back there some time also...maybe next year if my frequent flyer miles add up

love you daddy